September 9, 2011

Pants and Tee.

I don't know why but I really like clothes that remind me of being a kid. 
Patterned leggings, big jumpers, big tee shirts, pastel colours, sequins, glitter.... you name it. If it was a fave when you were 8, it's a fave of mine at 20. 
In saying that though, my favourite items always have a more mature edge to them. Like, studs or a graphic print, rips or a sexy cut. I think I am most comfortable in some skinny fit pants and an oversized jumper or t-shirt...and my boots. 

Bip Ling

Cassette Society
Winter 11

Sama and Haya

BlackMilk Dragon Snot leggings.

Cristopher Kane clutch. It's filled with that colourful liquid stuff!
So is the trim on the dress. Very weird and wonderful.

I really want what this girl has on.

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