October 25, 2011

A girl named Frank.

I only JUST discovered She. Is Frank fashion photography and am seriously in love, forget wishy-washy pastels, blurs and fades, this shit is gooooooood. All her photos are injected with so much colour and vibrancy it's almost overwhelming, but I love it. I also love how the models always seem to be interacting with the photographer, instead of gazing off bored into the distance, you get the sense that they know they're being photographed, they KNOW they're modelling and not just in the right place at the right time looking tremendously hot, so they're having some fun with it! 
Ben Trovato describes her photography as "She Is Frank is inspired by her own fears and emotions. She’s presenting women who exist in a messed up world, but still remain strong and beautiful. Her models are indulging in her fears. Fears about being alone, about living in a world with no water, about being killed, about always being watched, about pissing of mother nature with all our environmental crimes, about our obsession with watching tragic events on the news and about the junk we put in our bodies."
I would agree with this but I would also mention that they are a little bit cheeky, sometimes subtly and sometimes quite obviously. They're making fun or exaggerating certain things that we woman are faced with.
On face value, I just want to BE in these photos! I look at them and I get the urge to paint my eyebrows fluro pink and don some crazy party dress. 

Check out the website here SHE. IS FRANK.

I think this is my favourite. So amazing. 

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